Plan to send out greeting or invitation cards in elegant black envelopes? Your card is bound to stand out and will be eagerly read by the recipient if it has a nice casing. Though black in itself is a very bold and classy colour for envelopes, there are a few more things that you can add to make you envelope even more attractive for the recipient. Want to add to that classy look of your black envelopes. Use these simple tips: 1: Write the name and address of the intended recipient on the front of the envelope using calligraphic letters in thick, glazed golden or silver ink. At the back of the envelope, you can write your own name on the right hand corner.
2: If you do not have a pen that can effectively write on a dark, black envelope or feel that using thick ink may cause smudge marks on the paper, go for white or light coloured labels. You can use the label printer in your office while sending official or business mails. Alternatively, stick-on labels can be purchased from the local stationery shop. If you prefer to cut out your own labels, slice them in oval, rectangular and square shapes and write the name of the recipient with coloured felt pens. 3: The outer edges of your black envelope can get a classy appearance if you design a beautiful border. It may be a floral frame, a geometrical design or simply polka dots on the edge of the envelope. With a black background, any pattern in contrasting shades does add to the elegance of the envelope. 4: While sending a greeting card, a personal letter or invitation for an event in a black envelope, put a small sticker on one corner of the envelope. You may also use a sticker to seal the envelope. It makes your elegant black envelope even more attractive for the recipient. What’s more, there are a lot of themes to choose from – for instance you may use flower stickers on wedding invitations, a birthday cake sticker for birthday party invitations and a logo of your company for sending a corporate event invitation card. 5: It can be a good idea to tie a pretty ribbon around your black envelope. A white or pink ribbon with a floral knot looks really attractive and exquisite. Using ribbons around your greeting or invitation cards in black envelopes is a nice option when you are personally delivering the card. There are a several other ideas that you can use for decking up your black envelopes – you just need to get a little creative and can also ask like minded friends for suggestions. Personalising the envelope with your own picture is also a good way to enhance the beauty of stylish black envelopes. Ready to prepare and send those cards? Purchase a bunch of classy black envelopes online at: